
Mommy's Snow Day

Now that I said how much I love the snow, I had a really rough day with Grey's school pickup after the snow. I kept Cole in his car seat because it was FREEZING. Elise wanted to be carried. So I had my 15+ pound baby in his car seat on one arm and my 25 pound girl in my other arm trekking through the snow and ice. Halfway to the back door I learned they did not clear the sidewalks so it really was a trek. I got to the door and it was LOCKED for the first time all year. I had to stand there knocking for a while with my kids crying until someone heard me and let us in. I was a little tired...

Long story short, I took a snow day on Tuesday. I told Grey that we could build a snowman together instead. He actually went for it. I loved the alone time with him. I don't get enough of that. I put the other two kids down for naps and we bundled up to build our Mr. Snowman. Oh and the snow was really dry and not packing together well, so he is more of a lump.


Jason and Heather said...

I love the lumpy snowman! Grey is just too big. Love his cuteness!!

Arianne Pearce said...

I do miss the snow- but only this time of year. I LOVE hot chocolate and snowy days in side with the kiddos. Hmmm... so wonderful!