Throughout the race I dodged huge puddles even though my socks were soaked and squishing with each step. For the last 8 miles I could not feel my arms, hands or face. At the end of the race I couldn't move my mouth to talk and my lips were blue for another couple hours until I finally warmed up. I finished in 2 hours 17 minutes which is really bad, but I'm just proud that I made it to the finish line without taking any shortcuts (I saw some people cheating & I really wanted to follow!)
In spite of the tough weather, it was so much fun. I have never done anything that difficult before and it felt so good to finish it. I found myself getting a burst of energy at each mile marker for about a quarter mile. Then I would drag again for the last 3/4 mile. There were lots of people cheering us on and loud music which helped a lot.
I spent the afternoon trying to lay down between chasing Greyden around the house. As soon as I put him down for his nap I passed out! Joe & Leslie had us over for HUGE steaks and potatoes for dinner. Thanks guys!!!

Seriously that has got to be the worst picture i have ever, ever, ever taken. Could I look more awkward? Let it be known I was wearing another shirt and a sweatshirt under that T which is why I look so bloated. (or at least part of the reason right?)
Congrats Christina - you did awesome!
I am sure it had nothing to do with the chest sized steak and cheese steak we ate like 10 minutes before.
It was fun and nice to see everyone finished from our group in very respectable times.
I am sure it had nothing to do with the chest sized steak and cheese steak we ate like 10 minutes before.
haha! did you look at me? i look so out of it. i think i was really exhausted. :) and yes that huge steak went straight to my belly as you can see from the picture.
let it be known dave finished the race, got his swag, got a nice massage and walked around before ANY of the rest of us finished. GO DAVE!
you guys are hilarious.... i was just thinking about how pregnant i look in that pic (and NO i'm NOt pregnant) ...i'll e-mail you the crazy one - we all look a bit more alive in that one. ;) way to get the blog done, i'm still trying to out sleep the sickness i can feel comming on...
Congratulations you guys!!! I am so proud of you all. Oh, if I only weren't 9 months pregnant right now, I would have loved to be there with you all!
Congrats to both of you! An impressive accomplishment no matter what, but way more so due to the nasty weekend weather. Great job!
Congrats Christina - that is seriously so impressive!!! How long is a 1/2 marathon? I love it that you guys do it together (and with a bunch of friends). So fun! Good job!!
Congrats!! I'm so impressed. I can't STAND being cold, bbbrrr makes me cold thinking about it. I'm proud of you three!
Fun times guys! now, who is up for a full marathon?? anyone? I will be last to sign up this time...i'm not falling for that gag again.
Pam, next year!!! I guess if I'm not pregnant or something. :( I want to make it a tradition. It was such a fun course. I'm not sure I could have gone another 13.1 miles to make a full marathon. I think I'll be sticking to the 1/2!
Very cool. Much more than I could do
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