
Miller Farms

How have I never been here before?!! We took a family day and drove to the farm to harvest some produce and enjoy the other fun. There was SO MUCH to do. I loved it! I am already planning to go back next week if the weather holds.

Grey with Tow Mater - they had all the cars from the movie

Farmer G - he loved driving the tractors

Riding behind the tractor out to the fields
We brought home potatoes, beets, carrots, cabbage, sweet corn, indian corn and a pumpkin!

Picking out the perfect pumpkin to take home

Pulling the wagon full of yummy produce back to the Yellow Brick Road

Finishing up with some family fun on the jumping pillow
Jared somehow missed my perfect form-haha!
Oh and these might be the best pictures of Jared. ever. love it!

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