

I don't think I am actually glowing, but I am showing...

(first installment of 3, 6, 9 month series)

Grey will be a big brother come August 6th
(hopefully a week or so early)

You may have guessed by now if:

You caught me sneaking enchiladas in the middle of the night

I could not remember your name

You called me in the middle of the day and I was fast asleep

I ate 5X the amount you did--and was still hungry

You noticed the massive breakouts all over my face

You unfortunately witnessed my crazy-lady mood swings


Anonymous said...

Congrats! That is so awesome.

Chera said...

That is exciting! You look great!

Sarah said...

Congratulations!! Get all the naps you can - they're glorious.

Jennifer said...

Yaaay! Congratulations! (And if I looked like you at 3 months along, I would have 45 kids by now.) :)

Tara said...

Congrats!!! I am so excited for you guys. Pam Hammond just told me you were expecting a couple of days ago (Jared told Jeff a bit ago but he forgot to pass it on to Me...HUSBANDS ARE PATHETIC THAT WAY). Nap away!!!

Jensen Family said...

Congratulations! That is so exciting! I can't wait to find out what you are having! We sure miss Washington Park Ward! Hope you are feeling good!

Amy said...

Congrats! I am so excited for you. Just a heads up it stinks being pregnant in the summer! Derek was born Aug. 14 and I thought I was going to die last summer, it gets so hot!!

leslie said...

that's so great, christina!! i'm thrilled for you! can't wait to see what you're having! love the pic of you. gorgeous girl.

Pammerscush said...

P.S. the picture of grey is adorable. It reminds me of Ryan so much! They seriously could be brothers if not twins! Gotta love 'em! Too cute!

Nataluscious said...

Fabulous news! I am excited for you guys. I wish for an easy pregnancy and a pain-free birth. While I'm at it, I guess I'll wish for world peace and Heidi Klum's body (hey, if the wish fairy grants you the first two, the second two can't be far behind).

Jenn said...

CONGRATS! You are adorable, and if that counts as showing, then I think that I am still "showing" and my baby is almost 1...

Amanda said...

Congrats!! I can't wait to see the pics to come!

carrie said...


Tobi said...

You've summed up pregnancy beautifully! That's exactly what pregnancy feels like to me. One big pig-put fest followed by insane mood swings that even I can't explain.

Congrats on your pregnancy. I can't wait to find out the gender of you new little one!

Mandi said...

YAAAY! I am so excited for you guys! And one of my best friends is due on the 7th! You look great!

Jennifer said...

I am so glad we get to experience this together. At least I am not the only crazy lady out there. I just sleep all the time and never eat a thing. How different this one is!

How fun would it be if we both had girls? I guess we have a few more weeks until we know the end of this story!

Hope you are feeling good...Congrats again!

Anonymous said...

Congrats you guys!!! That is so exciting! You look great!

Angela Henderson said...

Congrats, Girl!
I knew it!!!!

Arianne Pearce said...

I am so happy for you!! So did you run your race pregnant?? I am trying to remember when it was that you ran, but it seems like it was the end of last year. Well, that is fabulous news. Keep me posted!!