
Earl Marion Amerine

April 18, 1915- March 10, 2011

My sweet grandpa passed away last week and I was grateful to be able to get to Vegas for his services and to spend time with my dad and family. What a sweet husband I have--he immediately stepped up and took over with the kids and trying (probably not succeeding much) to work from home so I could be here.

When I think of my Grandpa Amerine, I think of his large hands calloused from many, many years of hard work to support his family and anyone in need. He was so talented with his hands as a woodworker and farmer--I wish I got more of his gardening skills! As a child, he would build us amazing wood toys and clocks. I also remember his sparkling, infectious smile that was ALWAYS on his face. He was such a happy man and made everyone at ease around him. My grandparents would have been celebrating 75 years of marriage this coming July. They are a great example of a committed marriage and the importance of family. I am grateful for his legacy and hope that I can carry it on with my family.

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