
Random Obsessions

Loving lately...
Martha Stewart's Housekeeping Handbook - I have not invested in this massive book yet, but it is on my list. I have already renewed it twice from the library. This book/bible has everything there is to know about taking care of a home. I am a clean-freak so learning how to organize silverware or clean grout is so exciting! Now I'm tempted to get all of her other books. Yes I am a dork--and I will be supporting her through her dishonest, illegal habits.HeadOn - I have never been a big pill popper. I rarely use it as an absolute last resort. My mom suffers from migraines and told me about this a few years ago. I ALWAYS have it on hand for those pesky headaches that won't go away. With my pregnancies come frequent, intense headaches... I have been toting this little tube around everywhere with me lately. It looks like a big chapstick tube and you just rub it on your forehead (sometimes I put it on the back of my neck and temples too). It makes your skin all tingly feeling and works within minutes.

Lather Lip Balm - I found this amazing product in a travel kit on my flight to Europe. It is heavenly and now I want to try everything they make! Like this or this.

Watkins Lemon All-Purpose Cleaner - I have a slight obsession with cleaning products. I love to shop for new cleaners and I love the clean smell. Lately, I have wanted to make a foray into natural cleaners and use less chemicals in our home. But I have been worried that it wouldn't clean as well and it would smell like water.

This is AMAZING! It smells so wonderful that I went around the house looking for things to spray down. Plus it does a very impressive job cleaning. It also cleans everything from countertops to walls to wood. I LOVE IT! I want to try all their other products now.
Wacom Tablet - I use this constantly for editing photos and drawing (as much as my talent allows) for digi-scrapping. A MUST-HAVE for photoshop users! Now I just need to find more ways to use it.


Tobi said...

Great list. I haven't tried anything on your list so I'm eager to try it all! Thanks for the recommendations.

Angela Henderson said...

I love the lemon Cleaner also. It hasx such a great smell. :)

Anonymous said...

I've always been curious about the head-on. The commercials crack me up. I'll have to try it out.

Sarah said...

Few things get me as excited as discovering/buying new cleaning products. Bonus points for citrus smells. I will have to try this one out.

Amy said...

I am so glad to hear that the head-on actually works. I hate taking pills as well and I constatly have headaches, maybe 2-3 a week. I am going to go out and buy it!

Charitons said...

I am a cleaning product junkie too! Nick and I use Melaleuca, all their products are kid safe (even if ingested) and eco-friendly, good smelling, and they work better than anything I have ever used. They also have awesome prenatal vitamins. It's an online company so the order is shipped directly to you each month. You should try it out because I know you would love it.