
6 Long & Short Months

Greyden is 6 months old! Time has gone by so quickly in some ways but very slowly in others. I barely remember what it was like to be alone. Most the time I look at him & wonder where the "mother" is. I'm not mature enough to be a mom yet. :) Even on the bad days, he makes me smile. I am a sucker for that crooked grin...

I celebrated his birthday by going to the gym since he is finally old enough to go to the play place. Unfortunately my workout was cut short after 35 minutes when I heard my name being called over the intercom. Very embarrassing... At least he made it that long. I took him over while he was napping which apparently wasn't a good idea. I'm still learning.

He had his appointment yesterday and all the measurements. The doctor was a little surprised by his growth curve because I guess he doesn't have one. It wasn't worrisome, but very unusual. He is just all over the charts. This month his weight was the 30th%... height 75th%... and head 50th%.
My little Grey Love!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW he is so grown up! My little Grey love is SO cute and these are definitely some of my favorite pictures. I love the hair! :) Tell him we're his favorites...