
BIG changes

This summer has brought some big changes to our family--hence the lack of posting since May. Whoops. Big apologies for this forever long post, but here is a semi-quick update of -oh- the past 4 months.

G finished up his kindergarten year at Steele
(field day was a smashing success!)

We closed on a fixer-upper house at the beginning of June and did a lot of this with three kids while trying to keep our sanity (and no G did not drink DP):
(before/after pics coming up in another post)

My BFF sis came to visit and we celebrated our Independence on the 4th among other things

G took his first trip without us to St. George with Grandma to visit his great-grandparents. He LOVED it and I missed him a lot

I squeezed in a concert at Red Rocks with my brother

We had to put our sweet Porter (the brown one) down amidst our emotionally-charged summer. That was surprisingly painful

 This little princess turned FOUR and we moved into grandma & grandpa's basement for the next SIX weeks

We fit in a mini-vacay to the mountains which was a much-needed break

My friends from high school came to town so we met for dinner. I love those girls!

This wonderfully awesome and exhausting boy turned TWO

My sweet Grey started first grade at the same school his daddy went to way back in the day. He is so happy there.

Elise started preschool and Cole started Parent's Day Out which means I have five and a half hours to myself once a week. I have been eating out, reading, napping and I guess trying to get some things done.

Grey started Lacrosse and Elise was jealous

Our nephew left for his mission to Arcadia CA. We are so proud of him & will miss him!

Oh and by the way, I did all of this with the kind of nausea and exhaustion that only comes with two pink lines. I think I deserve a medal or something. I am about 12 1/2 weeks and will welcome #4 April 11th. Here is my 12-week shot and pics of sweet baby from today. 

I am impressed if you made it to the end of this. I promise I will be more on top of things so don't give up on me.

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