
I'm still here!

I have been missing my blogging friends lately!!! Grey is at a terrible stage where I can't be at my computer without disasters looming. I think he has hit the terrible two's early. I finally have a couple moments of peace, so here are a few highlights from our last few weeks. I hope I don't bore you...

1. A family birthday party with bowling & laser tag. Happy Birthday Jason, Derek & Megan!!!
Grey with his oldest cousin Tyler
The girls + sweet baby Addie2. 5280 week!!! We picked The Fort and Rodizio's. MMMMM! I have never eaten so much meat in my entire life. I swore I wouldn't eat for a week, but looking at these pictures is making my mouth water just a little bit.

Christina & Carrie taking a very short break from our 2 1/2 hour dinner. Yes, we ate non-stop for that long!We ate about 2 whole pineapples EACH. Have you ever had grilled pineapple? Luckily we had pregnant Carrie with us so she kept calling the guy over with the freshly grilled ones.
Dave & Jared with a little bit of the meat sweats going on3. Our first day at the aquarium with friends. Grey LOVED it!
4. Pool Time! We're prepping early for summer...


carrie said...

Oh man. Just looking at that pineapple makes my stomach hurt a bit. I ate WAY TOO MUCH of that stuff...

Anonymous said...

I am in love with the pool picture of G! It makes me miss him so much!

Amanda said...

I too am in love with G's pool pic. So cute.