
Sweet Grey

Grey woke up after a night of snowfall and came into my room while I was still half asleep. He told me he wanted to go shovel our neighbor's driveway for her. She works at the kids' school and is the nicest lady. I love the moments when I see my kids being so loving and kind-hearted. Grey has such a sweet heart and really cares about other people. He takes after his daddy. I hope that he will keep that part of him strong forever.


Girl's Dillon Weekend

I LOVE that my in-laws and all the husbands recognize the need to get away sometimes. My mother-in-law takes us up to the condo in Dillon 1-2 times a year for a long weekend. It is always so amazing. I ended up leaving early this time because I just get anxiety being away from home with babies that young. But this is the last time I will have a nursing baby to take with me.

We ate lots, had pedicures, played Nertz and talked a lot. So refreshing.