We went to Greyden's 4-month appointment today. He is healthy & happy. The doctor said he thinks Greyden is a VERY hungry boy and wants us to start cereal mixed with formula... No wonder he still eats every two hours. He said that he eats and sleeps like a 2-week old and doesn't want me to burn out. HAHA! I might already be there. :) Here is a recap of his growing chart from the first two appointments and today:
2-week (perfectly proportioned)weight: 8 lb. 1 oz. (25%)
height: 20 1/4 in. (25%)
head: 14 1/8 in. (25%)
2-month (super chunky)weight: 13 lb. 5 oz. (85%)
height: 23 in. (50%)
head: 15 5/8 in. (45%)
4-month (big man with a little head)weight: 14 lb. 13 oz. (60%)
height: 25 in. (55%)
head: 16 1/4 in. (25%)
No picture today since he isn't feeling great. He had his second set of shots today.